The PF “family” is busy. We have happily made additions to our roster of PF International Affiliates and Grant and Award winners. I would herewith like to welcome them to the fold.
The PF Affiliate for Germany
The PF family was greatly saddened at the loss of our dear, much revered colleague, Gerd Hövelmann, who served so ably for many years as our International Affiliate representing Germany. It is with pride that I can announce that Dr. Gerhard Mayer has graciously agreed to serve in that capacity representing Germany.
Gerhard studies psychology, sociology, philosophy and history of art at the University of Freiburg. He received his Ph.D in psychology from the University of Freiburg in 2000.

Since 1996 he has been working as a research fellow at the Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health in Freiburg/Germany (IGPP). His research interests include media research concerning parapsychological issues, new shamanism, magical practices and beliefs, the biographical integration of extraordinary experiences, and the methodology of parapsychological investigations.
He is the author of many articles and monographs on these topics, and co-editor of a book series and a scientific journal on anomalistics, as well as the compendium Handbuch der Anomalistik (2015, Stuttgart: Schattauer).
He serves as the Executive Director of the Gesellschaft fur Anomalistik (Society for Anomalistics) and the Editor of the peer-reviewed journal Zeitschift fur Anomalistik. We look forward to an exciting collaboration and to availing ourselves and our community of his expertise.
The D. Scott Rogo Award
After a regrettable suspension due to financial difficulties of our Grant and Award program, we are very happy to announce that we have proudly granted a D. Scott Rogo Award for Parapsychological Media to Shannon Taggart. Shannon has for the past 16 years been working on an expansive photography project about the religion of Spiritualism and the practice of mediumship. This body of work began at Lily Dale, New York in 2001, and has since taken her to France, Italy, and all over the United Kingdom in order to photograph mediums at work and to record contemporary Spiritualist practice.
The final realization of this work will be a lavishly illustrated 350 page book that combines her own documentary photographs, text, interviews and parapsychological media experiments along with historical research and vintage images that illustrate Spiritualism’s complex cultural history. Here is the link to a crowdfunding spot for SÉANCE: Spiritualist Ritual and the Search for Ectoplasm.
Shannon, in part with PF support, traveled to Murcia, Spain to interview and photograph two of the most important figures in modern Spiritualism, Robin and Sandra Foy. Shannon will shortly be presenting an overview of her work within the PF Perspectives Lecture Series at the Eileen J. Garrett Library, in Greenport, New York, to be announced.
The Diary of Admiral Tanagras
For years the Eileen J. Garrett Library has safeguarded the handwritten personal journal of Greek psychical researcher Angelos Tanagras. A colleague and friend of Eileen J. Garrett, he deposited his diary within our archives for safekeeping as a mark of respect and gratitude for Garrett and PF. Nikolaos Koumartzis, the 2011 Garrett Scholarship winner, now serving as the PF International Affiliate representing Greece, has worked hard to make the diary available as has Dr. Fotini Pallikari. During her residency at the Garrett Library back
in 2007, Dr. Pallikari worked on the diary, and has now set up a Facebook page called Angelos Tanagras Memoires.
Nikolaos also posted information about his book on the Parapsychology Foundation Facebook page as well a short video on his YouTube channel that helps bring Admiral Tanagras back to life.
I was proud to contribute these efforts and am elated that a new generation of students can partake of the results of Tanagras’ in depth studies into mediumship.
And last but not least …
As our PF family continues to expand and contribute to the science of parapsychology, I feel to share with you a photo of members of long standing, dear to my heart, that work diligently with me to continue PF’s programs. PF owes a vote of gratitude to Research Fellows: Drs. Carlos S. Alvarado and Nancy L. Zingrone along with PF Research Associate, Goncalo Veiga.

I invite you to join our PF family in whatever capacity you can ( including tax free donations) to help continue the work of the Foundation to support the science of parapsychology– be it our researchers, students or creators of parapsychological media — along with the dissemination of quality information about our complex and often misunderstood field. We need you!
Lisette Coly, President