Well, it is hard to believe that December 2018 has rolled around so quickly. The year has passed in a blur. I am disappointed that due to scheduling difficulties we were unable to present our usual online Book Expo. However in lieu of that I just filmed a special Holiday PF Book Expo which was just posted to the PF You tube channel which I hope you enjoy. Our Research Fellow, Dr. Carlos S. Alvarado once again scouted out very interesting diverse titles suggesting that they be added to the shelves of the Eileen J. Garrett Library for which we are must grateful. Thanks also to Anastasia Damalas who filmed the presentation, such as it is. Hope you enjoy it!
The titles included in the Holiday Book Expo include:
– David Presti et al: Mind Beyond Brain: Buddhism, Science, and the Paranormal
-Cheung / Mossbridge: The Premonition Code
-Jack Hunter (Ed.): Engaging the Anomalous
-Jens Schlieter: What Is it Like to Be Dead?: Near-Death Experiences, Christianity, and the Occult
-Sergio Rueda: Diabolical Possession and the Case Behind the Exorcist
-Damien Broderick: Psience Fiction: The Paranormal in Science Fiction Literature
-Eric Wargo: Time Loops:Precognition, Retrocausation, and the Unconscious
-Rupert Sheldrake and Michael Shermer: Arguing Science: A Dialogue on the Future of Science and Spirit
-Marc Wittmann: Altered States of Consciousness: Experiences Out of Time and Self
-Rupert Spira: The Nature of Consciousness: Essays on the Unity of Mind and Matter
-Amrita Uppal Lamba: Past Forward 1878 & Counting A Reincarnation Memoir
-James McClenon: The Entity Letters: A Sociologist on the Trail of a Supernatural Mystery
-Giulio Caratelli: Ernesto De Martino E La Metapsichica from Duebi Nuove Frontiere
There are other titles that are either on order or have been previously added to the shelves with the copies not in my hands for my “show and tell”. Of special interest are additional titles which by no means reflect the totality of the acquisition list for 2018 as new additions are trickled in throughout the year such as:
-Dean Radin: Real Magic
-Krister Dylan Knapp: William James: Psychical Research and Challenge of Modernity
-K. Ramakrishna Rao: The Elements of Parapsychology
-Erlendur Haraldsson & James G. Matlock: I Saw a Light and Came Here
-C. Massicotte. Trance Speakers: Femininity and Authorship in Spiritual Séances, 1850-1930.
-L. Irwin: Reincarnation in America
-Caroline Watt: Parapsychology: A Beginner’s Guide
-Mary Rose Barrington: JOTT: When Things Disappear… and Come Back or Relocate – and Why It Really Happens
Maintaining the library and all the PF programs takes money. Would you please consider spreading a little holiday cheer in supporting our efforts with your fully deductible tax contribution? If so we would be so appreciative and also those that we serve— our students and researchers would add their thanks I am certain. (And if you have an urge to help, scroll down and click the “Donate” button at the bottom of the page.)

On a personal note I want to share that I have lost the love of my life, my husband George E. Damalas. Many of those who have interacted with PF in myriad ways met George who while not officially affiliated with PF always was supportive of our activities… from painting the library when on 29 West 57th Street, to staining the new shelves at 228 East 71st Street to being responsible for the construction of the library at our present facility in Greenport coupled with conference and lecture attendance distributing flyers and troubleshooting along with driving many patrons and library research fellows around Greenport. George was ever ready to pitch in and help the organization thrive. My heart and those of our children Anastasia and George — who also have been pressed into supporting the PF — are broken but we will carry on as George senior would expect.
So with this year coming to a close I wish you all a wonderful Holiday and much love, health and happiness in the New Year! As we at PF always say “Onward and Upward” just as our spiral logo demonstrates.