Lisette Coly, President of the Parapsychology Foundation
Can you believe it’s Fall? Hard to believe. I know Eileen Garrett used to warn me as a young teen not to be too eager to “grow up” as she counselled that the years would soon start to really fly by. Seems to me they are on warp speed nowadays as I have certainly matured big time.
I am excited to announce that we have come up with another type of YouTube video to be entitled “BOOK NOOK: Ask the Author”. As many of you know, apart from over the years maintaining our magnificent Eileen J. Garrett Library, PF has in the past sponsored various digital “Book Expos” where authors have been engaged in discussing their recent books. These videos remain available in a playlist on our YouTube channel and I urge you to take a look and listen.
I recently realized that I am in the enviable position of being based in New York City apart from Greenport where the library is located. This allows me to at times “capture” visitors flying through on their way to somewhere in addition to metropolitan researchers and authors and partake of one to one conversations about their latest works. It suddenly dawned on me that with the help of my daughter Anastasia Damalas, who with me runs PF on a shoe string, we could film these informal yet in depth conversations and bring them to a wider audience and hence the Book Nook series was born.

We are in the process of editing our first contribution to the new series with one of the newest members of our PF family of grant and award winners, Dr. Stephani L. Stephens. Stephani as you may remember from past blogs received our 2018 Frances P. Bolton Fellowship. She holds a PhD from the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK in Jungian Psychology. Between 2004 and 2013 she served on the Executive Committee of the International Association of Jungian Studies. She teaches psychology in the International Baccalaureate program and is a practicing counsellor in Canberra, Australia.
Taken from the back cover of her newly published book C.G. JUNG AND THE DEAD Visions, Active Imagination and the Unconscious Terrain published by Routledge “…the book not only provides the most thorough examination to date of Jung’s dreams and visions of the dead but also argues provocatively that at least some of these experiences, rather than just symbolizing processes of the psyche, really were encounters with the dead.”

During our recorded informal conversation I asked her specifically what parapsychology can take away from her book and her answer was illuminating. Please check back next Monday October 21, 2019 when the video will be made available on our channel. We have other authors lined up so I would suggest if you have not already done so please subscribe to the channel and hit that bell icon so you will be notified as we continue on with this new series and bring to you more programming. Your subscription also helps us to potentially monetize our channel in a very small degree which PF desperately needs to be able to continue our good works. Equally, if not more importantly in the overall scheme of things, PF’s mission guided by Eileen Garrett and Eileen Coly has always sought to make available to researchers and the public at large quality information about our very complex subject of such importance we believe to understanding the world we live in. Don’t forget also that PF is a nonprofit tax exempt organization, which can accept fully your tax deductible contributions as a 501 (c) 3 entity. We are in dire need of financial support, and you can help today by donating with our paypal link!
Till next month I wish you all a Happy Fall and of course good wishes for our somewhat “national holiday” of Halloween which has the public focused more intently on what we do at this time of year. I certainly wish that would carry over to the rest of the year, don’t you?