Happy 2020! Hard for me to believe that PF has been afloat since 1951– a total of 69 years come December 2020. My grandmother, Eileen J. Garrett, PF’s founder may not have passed her psychic genes to my late mother, PF’s second President Eileen Coly, nor to me but perhaps her stubborn trait that rather like the unsinkable Molly Brown we both refuse to give up on the mission of Parapsychology Foundation to support our researchers and the public in a search for better understanding of the psychic world that seems to exist around us.
In continuation of our goals we are very proud to again support Parapsychology Research and Education (otherwise known as ParaMOOC) which has been offered since 2015. The free of tuition live classes will commence on Saturday, January 18 and continue every weekend until Saturday, February 29 in real time. A wealth of information including materials and live broadcasts will be recorded so you can partake on your own time schedule. The schedule is available by clicking here. Self enrollment opens Monday January 13 but you can email parapsychologyonline@gmail.com with “register me in the subject line” and Dr. Nancy Zingrone will get you preregistered as soon as she sets the class up. I am so excited to once again be of assistance to Nancy and Dr. Carlos Alvarado who having worked with PF for many years and now serve as Research Fellows have worked so diligently and successfully to bring academicians and those interested in parapsychology together within the ParaMOOC series of annual classes. Don’t forget as well that past contributions to previous ParaMOOCs are available within our Parapsychology Foundation YouTube channel. Truly there is a wealth of information within your digital grasp….so please have at it…and I hope to see you all in the classroom!
Another very valuable educational opportunity is available thanks to yet another of PF’s esteemed Research Fellows, Dr. James Matlock. Jim is once again scheduling his course on Reincarnation, starting January 27, consisting of 15 weeks of both original lectures and readings until May 10. There is a nominal charge well worth the price with various discounts available considering the volume of information to be gleaned from participation. For more information on the course and comments from past participants click here. Many of the lectures are compiled from Jim’s excellent book, Signs of Reincarnation: Exploring Beliefs, Cases, and Theory which is a must read. PF remains very proud to have funded Dr. Ian Stevenson’s first trip to India to study reincarnation so I view Jim’s continued research and study of reincarnation part of PF’s legacy.

Apart from organized classes making quality information available, PF’s YouTube channel is also a wonderful venue for self education. Within our various video classifications, this month, I am proud to add to our Book Nook series my up close and personal interview with artist and teacher Susan MacWilliam who discusses her latest book “Modern Experiments” Modern Experiments is published by F.E. McWilliam Gallery and available here which documents her solo exhibitions which toured Ireland in 2016-17. Her installations explore phenomena, concepts and personalities engaged in psychic exploration weaving in and out of various studies of sensory and extrasensory phenomena. Both my mother, Eileen Coly and I were able to assist in her explorations many years ago and have fashioned a close professional and personal relationship which we very much treasure and which has fostered several works. The included 28 exhibits are award winning and fascinating not only as they pertain to our own collaboration with Susan concerning the legacy of Eileen J. Garrett but illuminating as to work with several highly revered colleagues such as Dr. William G. Roll, Dr. Yvonne Duplessis, and those of the Rhine Research Center, the T.G. Hamilton Spirit Photograph Collection to name a few.

Apart from Susan’s own prolific artistic pursuits she presently teaches at the National College of Art and Design in Dublin, Ireland. I would also urge you to look up her other volumes Remote Viewing and An Answer is Expected.
Modern Experiments contains a marvelous Timeline which thanks to curator Riann Coulter of the F.E. McWilliam Gallery and Studio we in part publish with her permission illustrating the scope of these featured works. Susan and I had great fun in late November hatching other ideas for future works so I will keep you posted on our progress.

I will close now happy that perhaps through the efforts of PF I may have been able to “tempt your curiosity” to enlarge your knowledge and quest for more information concerning our complex field.
I beg you as things are getting more and more financially difficult to consider supporting PF so we can continue as my grandmother Eileen J. Garrett would say “to stir the pot.”
Hope to see you around various classrooms, the Garrett Library and by extension the PF You tube channel not to mention Facebook!