In this horrific and uncertain time I thought I might share a bit of a transcript from a manuscript “Spiritual Guidance from Beyond for a New Era Group” delivered through the mediumship of Eileen J. Garrett in April, 1940 that I have unearthed and am after office hours working on. In the dark days of World War II my grandmother chose to remain in the South of France while the Germans were invading before she elected to escape across the mountains to Lisbon trading her fur coat for passage on one of the last tramp steamers bound for the States. She apparently sat for twenty two sessions with a small group of British emigres. Spirit guides some of which were her own Uvani, the self-styled “door keeper” and Abdul Latif who claimed to be a Persian physician/healer were joined by William Stainton Moses’ Imperator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, White Eagle of the White Brotherhood known to speak through the medium Grace Cook and several others all stating they had banded together in the midst of global warfare to clamor their message through Garrett, as their instrument or “mouth piece”. To my knowledge this “team” never reassembled to use her mediumship at any other time during her lifetime which ended on this plane in 1970.

Her exploits and research within psychical research and parapsychology are well known through her writings, autobiographical and otherwise. Rarely has been shared the commentary of these spiritual guides. It would seem to me that there may well be forces at work that we do not fully understand but appear to patiently continue to be of Man’s assistance and growth? At yet another bleak time in our history presently in the midst of a world pandemic I find this commentary continuing to be of value and I am hastening to publish the entire work myself outside of Parapsychology Foundation. Garrett who certainly revered and espoused the scientific method to investigate her own gifts was much more spiritually minded than was previously known. She kept that material to the side as she feared science and academia would not take her seriously if she shared the fruits of her mediumship per se. I personally feel the time is now for sharing with like- minded individuals this material presenting a more complete rendering of this complex individual.

By no means is this a “commercial” for my future personal project. I truly think that we are in need of a bit of spiritual support at this frightening time along with a consideration and awareness of what we can in future do when this particular nightmare is over. Garrett was an optimist, as her publications entitled “Tomorrow” “Life is the Healer” “Awareness” illustrate. I wish you all safe passage through this horror in the hopes that when we do overcome as we surely must we will be better served to create a better world.

May 9, 1940 while EJG in trance, Dr. Abdul Latif stated (The italics mine):
We will speak freely today of matters of importance and discuss questions that you and your friends may ask among yourselves. For any who desire to know we will find a way. We will first make a cradle of words, and the spring will slowly force itself up until it becomes visible to eyes that desire to see. It is a good moment to choose, for the world is full of negation, and out of negation come birth and creation. Take a child which first opens its eyes on the profound wonders. It takes all, and destroys it to build again. Man is not going back. It is no use giving teachings to a man that he does not want when he is merry. It is when he is in difficulty and has trouble in his heart that he gets fearful and turns to God. So from the midst of trouble we want to bring about a new state of mind. One listens best when one is sad, and so with words we will begin to heal—spiritual healing. By words one can destroy or build. Little by little others will want to see and enquire, but we shall not have them with us to start with. We will answer questions as we begin to sift, and when the path is open we will extend to the limits of the faith that is within us.
Results are not to be looked for in a moment, for you cannot sow and reap at the same time. In the evolution of the Universe—in God’s evolution—there must be growth and a time of suffering. Look back through the history of the ages. One civilization comes up, and another goes down. Everything changes, nothing is permanent. There is only change. Out of a world of pain come freedom and tolerance for a new state. The yoke is lifted from the one and put on the other. It is inevitable, and neither progress or evolution can change it so long as we have one stone unturned on our path to God. I do not grieve much over man’s hunger and pain, seeing that he is suffering in order that he may become more perfect. If only we are able to attain one note of perfection, we have, at any rate, done our best. We cannot do better than that. It is necessary for each one of you to try and construct if you wish to make my words of use. What is my problem today will be yours tomorrow, and what is yours tomorrow will become someone else’s next week. We are akin and related.
So while handwashing and socially distancing I will be working on this material and will keep those of you interested aware of its publication date. Be safe!