Well here we are approaching the dog days of summer at least from where I sit in New York City trying to shelter from sweltering heat and hide from the corona virus which continues it’s horrible march. Such days are simply not to be believed and in the midst of all this turmoil I was able to become enthralled —a respite from my day to day reality which allowed me to lose myself in personal reflections of Men and Women of Parapsychology in Esprit, Volume 2.
I, along with the rest of the field, owe the Editor, Dr. Rosemarie Pilkington, a debt of gratitude for capturing these cogent interviews for so many of parapsychology’s leading lights. Rosemarie brings to the task her talent for having her subject’s autobiographical data displayed but with the bonus of allowing their personality to shine through along with advice to others on the same path.

As she did with the first volume Men and Women of Parapsychology: Personal Reflections published in 1987 by McFarland and then republished by Anomalist Books as Esprit, Men and Women of Parapsychology Personal Reflections Volume 1 within this second volume she asked the same five questions:
“How did you become intrigued with, and involved in, investigating the paranormal?”
“What do you feel has been your most important contributions to the field?
“What might you have done differently, or in what beliefs did you have when you entered the field that were changed through your experiences?”
“What unusual experiences have you had that exceeded your ‘boggle threshold’?”
“What advice would you give to young people entering the field as to what areas are of utmost importance and as to pitfalls of which they should be aware?”
The personages represented in the book read like a pantheon of noted parapsychologists, academicians and researchers all diverse in their career paths but all in the same boat. A fascinating read as one becomes more intimately knowledgeable as to the whys and wherefores behind the creator and creation of bodies of work we have all come to appreciate.
There are 21 entries to dive into: Barrington, Bauer, Braud, Braude, Broughton, Dossey, Feather, Haraldsson, Hastings, Krippner, LeShan, Nelson, Palmer, Playfair, Roll, Roney-Dougal, Schwartz, Stanford, Targ, Tart, and von Lucadou along with a Foreword by Dr. Nancy L. Zingrone.
Add the above to the first volume contents which included an older generation of 12 subjects with a foreword by Dr. Stanley Krippner: Eisenbud, Ullman, Ehrenwald, Coly ( forgive my pride that my mom Eileen Coly made the cut), Rush, Schmeidler, Servadio, Haynes, Bender, Osis, Zorab, Grad.

Taking the two volumes in their entirety you can see they literally present a Who’s Who of Parapsychology! What a service to not only those presently engaged in study but for future generations to give support to their opportunity to carry parapsychology’s banner having such guidance and experience available to draw on.
So you no doubt realize that I really recommend both books which are shelved in the Garrett library. I also want to add a disclaimer, following my gushing, that PF and I do not stand to receive any compensation for this glowing review having already received such over the years in relishing a close very valued association and friendship with Rosemarie. I will close now except to ask when will someone ask those 5 questions of her? Hint, Hint.
Stay well and stay cool.