Anyone stuck on what to buy for Holiday Gift Giving? Well take a look at the PF’s 3rd Annual Book Expo posted within our PF Youtube channel. What better than a book while stuck socially distancing and in quarantine with so many interesting titles and viewpoints to get those wheels turning?
Not a complete list of titles added to the Eileen J. Garrett Library this year as I may have missed some– already apparent to me as I missed mentioning the addition of a Ph.D thesis by Michele Olzi “A Cure for the Soul: Mesmerism, Psychical Research, And Psychoanalysis in the Life and work of Emilio Servadio”. I fear I may have forgotten others out of carelessness but in no particular order many books made it to be included in my Holiday Gift Box with an assist from one of my persistent cats, “JP Morgan” who seemed eager for his close up. These titles include:
A Short History of (Nearly) Everything Paranormal: Our Secret Powers Telepathy, Clairvoyance & Precognition by Terje G. Simonsen (2020, Watkins Publishing).
Clinique des Expériences Exceptionnelles (Psychothérapies) by Thomas Rabeyron (2020, DUNOD).
Contact with the Future: The Nature of Extrasensory Perception by Jon Taylor (2020, Independently published).
Dangerous Pursuits: Mediumship, Mind, and Music by Stephen E. Braude (2020, Anomalist Books).
Dark Cognition by David Vernon (2020, Routledge).
Ghosts: A Natural History: 500 Years of Searching for Proof by Roger Clarke (2015, St. Martin’s Griffin).
Mediality on Trial: Testing and Contesting Trance and Other Media Techniques edited by Ehler Voss (2020, Walter de Gruyter).
Near Death (A Raney/Daye Investigation) By Rich Hosek, Arnold Rudnick and Loyd Auerbach (2020, Paraphrase, LLC).
Psi Wars: TED, Wikipedia and the Battle for the Internet by Craig Weiler (2020, White Crow Books).
Researching the Paranormal: How to Find Reliable Information about Parapsychology, Ghosts, Astrology, Cryptozoology, Near-Death Experiences, and More by Courtney M. Block (2020, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers).
Rethinking Consciousness: Extraordinary Challenges for Contemporary Science by John H. Buchanan and Christopher M. Aanstoos (2020, Process Century Press).
Sensitive Soul: The Unseen Role of Emotion in Extraordinary States by Michael A. Jawer (2020, Park Street Press).
Signs of Reincarnation: Exploring Beliefs, Cases, and Theory by James G. Matlock (2019, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers).
Spirits, Gods and Magic: An Introduction to the Anthropology of the Supernatural by Jack Hunter (2020, August Night Press).
The Enfield Poltergeist Tapes: One of the most disturbing cases in history. What really happened? by Dr. Melvyn Willin (2019, White Crow Books).
The Haunting of Alma Fielding: A True Ghost Story by Kate Summerscale (2021, Penguin Press).
The Last Farewell Embrace: Spirituality, Near-Death Experiences, and Other Extraordinary Events Among Nurses by Alejandro Parra (2019, Nova Science Pub Inc).
The Star Gate Archives: Reports of the United States Government Sponsored Psi Program, 1972-1995. Volume 4: Operational Remote Viewing: Memorandums and Reports by Edwin C. May and Sonali Bhatt Marwaha (2019, McFarland).
There is More to You Than You Know: Nine Overlooked Truths for the 21st Century From A Prophet in the 20th by Doug Muha (2020, Independently published).

Manchester Metropolitan University

Manchester Metropolitan University
I can’t wait to see what future books we can accumulate but as usual PF seeks to support authors and creators of media content within our “D. Scott Rogo Award for Parapsychological Media”. The 2020 award goes to “Ghosted! A Next Gen Study of Hauntings.”

Instituto Politécnico de Gestão e Tecnologia
“Almost 20 years ago James Houran co-edited the first academic anthology on ghostly phenomena (Hauntings and Poltergeists: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, 2001, McFarland & Co.). Rather than simply update the book, Houran decided on a different type of sequel. He started planning this in 2017. He assembled a global team of inter-disciplinary colleagues to conduct new studies of ghostly episodes from sociocultural, psychological, and environmental perspectives. The result has been 21 peer-reviewed publications, spanning eight different journals. Now, Houran is working with his “ghost gang” to synthesize the results from these technical papers for a new book that is aimed primarily at students.

Institute for the Study of Religious and Anomalous Experience

Buckinghamshire New University
As the team puts it, citizen science and amateur paranormal researchers are the future-state of ghost research. Thus, they need an accessible and reliable treatise on leading-edge findings, theories, and approaches so that new studies effectively build on current knowledge. Houran’s team titled the book, Ghosted! A Next Gen Study of Hauntings. It is under contract with McFarland and Co., and the PF’s “D. Scott Rogo Award for Parapsychological Literature” will be used to offset graphic design costs related to figures and illustrations. Houran accepted the award on behalf of the entire research and book authorship team. Note that Houran was the 1993 recipient of the Eileen J. Garrett Scholarship, which he credits for spring-boarding his career in the field. He now serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research and the Australian Journal of Parapsychology.”
My daughter, Anastasia Damalas, our Board of Trustees and I wish you all a Happy Holiday most especially while mired in the horror of this pandemic with all its ramifications. Our hopes and prayers for a Happy Healthy New Year go out to all our PF family of friends and colleagues the world over —all the more sweet as PF in 2021 will hopefully celebrate our 70th anniversary!