The world of parapsychology was shocked and saddened by the news of the murder in August 1990 of one of parapsychology’s most prolific authors and musician, D. Scott Rogo at the age of 40. The field sustained quite a loss and I personally who shared a friendship with him was bereft as were so many of his colleagues. Scott and I were two months apart in age and were coming up in the field at the same time, myself as the granddaughter of PF’s founder, Eileen J. Garrett acting as “step and fetch it” to my mother, PF’s then President, Eileen Coly while Scott was proudly assuming the title as he claimed of parapsychology’s “enfant terrible”. I was overwhelmed upon learning that he had left most of his estate to PF while naming me personally to overlook the funds. It seemed a no brainer to create the Rogo Award for Parapsychological Literature in his honor, an award that has been made many times over through the years. Recently the PF renamed and broadened the scope of the award to the Rogo Award for Parapsychological Media.
Though the funds of Scott’s bequest ran out years ago we have despite financial difficulties strived to continue making these awards in his name. In this a banner year for PF, our 70th anniversary, we are therefore very proud to announce not one but two most worthy recipients, Drs. Gregory Shushan and Callum E. Cooper.

DR. GREGORY SHUSHAN states in his application that “over the course of research for my books and articles on near-death experiences (NDEs) across cultures, I have discovered many previously unrecognized historical accounts of the phenomenon. Drawing upon historical, anthropological, medical, psychological, religious, parapsychological and popular literature, this cross cultural anthology will provide for the first time an easily accessible compendium of primary source accounts of NDEs from around the world and throughout history. Some accounts are illustrated, and including these rare images alongside the accounts will add visual appeal to the book…The book will begin with a general introduction to NDEs, written for non-specialists. The aim is for the book to be accessible to the general reader, as well as to scholars of any discipline. The introduction will review the history of research, the main debates surrounding NDEs, and the significance of historical and cross-cultural accounts…The accounts themselves will be organized chronologically rather than geographically or culturally, though they will be fully cross-indexed by region and culture.” Gregory is certainly well positioned to create this anthology as he has been researching NDEs and afterlife beliefs across cultures for two decades, beginning with his M.A. in Research Methods for the Humanities at University College London, continuing his Ph.D at University of Wales, and with fellowships at the Centro Incontri Umani in Switzerland, and at the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion at Oxford. He is a two-time recipient of the Perrott-Warrick Fund at Trinity College, Cambridge. He has taught university courses on the subject and is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Near-Death Studies. For more information check out his website www.gregoryshushan.com and I am a great fan of his 2018 book Near-Death Experience in Indigenous Religions while anxiously awaiting publication of his planned Near-Death Experience and the Afterlife in Ancient Greece and Rome.
CALLUM E. COOPER, or Cal as he is known as, is a senior lecturer in psychology at the University of Northampton, where he has held a lecturing position since 2012, with initial research assistant work in 2008 working for both Professor Chris Roe and Dr. Richard Broughton. I am overjoyed that PF backed a “winner” who has gone on to make his mark in the field when PF awarded him the Eileen J. Garrett Scholarship in 2009. He has received numerous international awards for his work and research while giving many international presentations, primarily for parapsychology and has over 100 outputs to his name. He frequently appears on radio and TV as a representative for parapsychology and skepticism within scientific inquiry. In his academic credentials he states “I have also leaned heavily on parapsychology, although I am formally trained as a psychologist and hold Chartered Membership status with the British Psychological Society…Both of my PhDs gave focus to parapsychology themed topics from the University of Northampton (2017) and then Manchester Metropolitan University (2019).” Presently he is the module co-ordinator for the 3rd course on “parapsychology and anomalous experiences” taught as part of the psychology curriculum all while guiding 6 PhD students, with 5 focused on parapsychology themed projects with 2 more set to join later in the year. Whew! Did I mention his books such as the extension of Rogo’s book Phone Calls from the Dead co-authored with Raymond Bayless (1979) entitled Telephone Calls from the Dead (2012)?
As Cal stated in his application: “I respectfully apply based on my current project to produce a book, which will be the definitive biography of the late D. Scott Rogo…I have been a fan of Rogo’s work ever since being an undergraduate student of psychology…I have found my professional career in parapsychology constantly tapping into unique outputs by Rogo, and his impressive independent career in the field as an author, researcher and part-time lecturer.” Having met Scott’s late father, Jack Rogo, who I personally held in great affection along with his Mom, as Cal says “ I realized I was naturally unearthing elements of Rogo’s life without even consciously realizing, until I noticed more and more people turning to me with questions of Rogo’s life and work. Since 2018, I have been set about steadily interviewing people who knew and worked with Rogo…Many university-based staff and students will indeed be interested in this work, but it is clear from Rogo’s own life, that he also appealed to the general public, plus ghost-hunting groups and Ufologists, for his vast knowledge and authority on many topics…His outreach and personal representation for parapsychology was remarkable.” We at PF certainly agree and we note the charm of supporting a Rogo bio with the Rogo award but rather than basing the award on that factor alone we are confident that Cal is just the right author to present Scott to a new audience of both academics and the general public as Scott successfully navigated those waters so well.

UPDATE ON 2020 ROGO AWARD I am so excited to announce that our previous year’s title is in production! Click here to preorder! and keep watch for GHOSTED! Exploring the Haunting Reality of Paranormal Encounters thanks to Brian Laythe, James Houran, Neil Dagnall, Kenneth Drinkwater, and Ciaran O’Keefe complete with a foreword by Chris French and afterword by Loyd Auerbach.
I can’t wait to make room on the shelves of the Eileen Garrett Research library for this cache of exciting titles. I offer congratulations to Gregory and Cal with an important reminder to readers of this blog that there is still time to attend the SSE/PA upcoming convention. I would love to go but with money tight it is more valuable in the long run that PF supports researchers and academicians rather than Miss Lisette attending and having a great time! But you guys should attend in any way you can– digitally or in person. I would love to hear the highpoints you experience!