Supporting the scientific study of psychic phenomena

Monthly Archives: February 2024

Eileen J. Garrett Collection Status Update

Lisette Coly, President of the Parapsychology Foundation

I have recently been made aware of some justifiable questions concerning the accessibility of the Garrett Library.  I reached out to Dr. Beth Saunders,  Curator and Head of Special Collections and Gallery of the Albin O. Kuhn Library of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County which presently maintains the Library.  PF continues to purchase books for the collection albeit with difficulty due to our  present poor finances which I seek to ameliorate.

In response to my query she has reported, “ We continue to catalog the Garrett Books. As of now, there are over 1900 searchable in the catalog and counting (more are added every week). We have an inventory of all the periodicals and all of the archival collections that we can share with researchers and have begun processing the archival collections. We have had researchers visit to use Garrett materials, so everything is accessible, though it can still be difficult for users to locate materials without contacting special collections staff for assistance. I would suggest that anyone who wants to visit for research first contact us at to make an appointment. That way we can locate and have ready their desired materials in advance. Patrons can search the Library’s catalog. I suggest that users filter the search to location: Special Collections and named collection: Eileen J. Garrett Parapsychology Foundation Collection. We also have information on the Finding Aid related to the archival content.   We are happy to answer questions and help folks find materials. They should email: and someone usually reaches out within 24 hours. They can also call 410-455-2353.”

Lisette Coly and Dr. Beth Saunders

I hope this is of assistance in using our very fine resource. I attach a link to a video that was filmed when the library first “hit the shelves” at UMBC with Dr. Saunders.    Although the library when transferred had its own Dewey Decimal catalog system in view of current digital technology it was decided that they would undertake the Herculean task to recatalog  the entire holdings of  over 12000 volumes along with periodicals and various archives. The rare books also underwent remedial preservation techniques as PF had neither the finances, the know how or the personnel  to accomplish all this.  I am therefore elated  and relieved that the library’s future remains bright with increased  accessibility  to those around the world who want to access it.

I would once again remind you that tax free contributions to the PF as a 501 C 3 non profit organization would be put to immediate use  in purchasing more quality books.  All monies donated will go to book purchases and also our new in house  project of digitizing our “Parapsychology Review” and “PF Newsletter” along with our classic  “International Journal of Parapsychology “ in much the same way as we have made recently all our  International Conference Proceedings, Monographs and pamphlets available on our website for free download.   We continue to add to our Parapsychology Foundation YouTube channel with over 180 items.  We are dedicated to continue to meet our original remit  of disseminating quality information while continually looking for financial support so we may once again maintain our grant and scholarship programs that has supported so many of our current and past researchers and students.

Baltimore is a fun destination, and now with the Garrett Library I hope to see you there!