2019 Bolton Fellowship and a New Award Announcement

Lisette Coly, President of the Parapsychology Foundation

The PF is enormously proud of its long standing scholarship, award and grant programs.
For the past 68 years in our small way we have sought to assist researchers and academicians with their careers and good works within the science of parapsychology. To this end we are proud to announce the recipient of the 2019 Frances P. Bolton Fellowship is our PF’s newest Research Fellow, Dr. Jack Hunter.

Jack was awarded the Eileen J. Garrett Scholarship back in 2010 and like others before him PF has continued to track his career progress. Rather than me trying to paraphrase, in his own words, here is a statement of his current work which we are proud to support:

Jack Hunter Research Fellow

“I have several projects in the works at the moment. I am currently developing my doctoral thesis, A Study of Spirit Mediumship in the UK: Towards a Non-Reductive Anthropology of the Paranormal (2018) into a publishable monograph, this will be the primary outcome of the Bolton scholarship. I am in the final stages of editing a volume entitled Greening the Paranormal: Anomalistics and Ecology, which will be published later this year by August Night Books . This book consists of 11 chapters from different authors exploring connections between the paranormal and ecology. I have just started work on another edited volume, this time working with anthropologist Dr. Diana Espirto Santo titled Mattering the Paranormal: Technologies and the Realm of the Unseen, which explores the intersections of science, spirituality, technology and the paranormal through historical and ethnographic lenses, which we hope to complete by the end of the year. In addition to these book projects I am also working on chapter contributions for other forthcoming publications including, a chapter titled ‘Numinous Dimensions: Exploring Otto’s Concept of the Numinous in Stoker, Machen and Lovecraft’ for a forthcoming anthology on Theology and Horror, and a chapter on ‘Harmony and Ecology’ for an anthology to be published by Sophia Centre Press later in the year. I have several review articles due to be published over the coming months in academic journals, and continue to be active as a teacher and commentator on podcasts and other media. I am also working on permaculture project at the moment, while continuing to pursue research on the intersections of ecology and spirituality. To keep up to date with my research and other activities, see my website.”

In other exciting News… As many of you know I have just celebrated 50 years working at PF. Our Board of Trustees wanted to acknowledge this in some fashion and rather than a party or the proverbial gold watch, which we can ill afford, I suggested a new award category which is near and dear to my heart.

Historically when in a better financial condition PF supported people attending the Parapsychological Association Convention—even scheduling our PF annual conferences before or after the PA so those attending our convention due to close proximity with little additional expenditure could attend both as PF would defray expenses to attend our conference. The PA already sponsors the Robert L. Morris Student Travel Fund which provides travel assistance to one selected to attend and deliver a paper. It is my long standing belief taken from the same held belief of our founder, Eileen J. Garrett and past president, Eileen Coly, that new comers, students and academicians from other fields and those just starting out in parapsychology should be introduced in depth to our field and our very fine work.

I am hence overwhelmed both personally and professionally with pride to announce the creation of The Lisette Coly Award of $1000 for someone deemed deserving to attend the PA annual conference. This year’s PA Convention is being held in Paris, France from July 4th to the 6th. To apply please send to me (President@parapsychology.org) a cover letter with a brief biographical sketch and CV, three references along with a brief statement of how you think attendance would specifically help you by June 1, 2019. As Garrett always told us which Mrs. C and I continue to restate “Let’s stir the pot!”

I wish we were financially able to do more…as we serve so many great researchers and students. It goes without saying that we desperately need additional funding so we may continue our mission.

Please consider donating to our cause which is fully tax deductible as a 501 © 3 non-profit organization or dare I think “big” and ask for an endowment (can’t blame a girl for trying). I assure you your money will be well spent as illustrated by our long standing track record.

And don’t forget it is not too late to sign up for ParaMOOC 2019 that we are also so proud to support over several years. Drs. Carlos Alvarado and Nancy Zingrone share PF’s mission and present as always a stimulating, quality program…and astoundingly it is free of charge! What a deal!

Happy Spring to you all with congratulations to Dr. Jack Hunter. Keep up the great work, Jack!

One Response to 2019 Bolton Fellowship and a New Award Announcement

  1. This is great! I am very interested in this scholarship opportunity. I am from the United States and am curious if there are requirements concerning the residency of the candidates.

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