Thanks for Giving

Lisette Coly, President of the Parapsychology Foundation

By now many of you may be aware of PF’s quandary.  As finances have been dwindling the unexpected shock was that the Eileen J. Garrett Research Library’s landlord has put the building up for sale.  Too bad I didn’t inherit Garrett’s psychic gift.

I attach an appeal some of you may have seen already in our PF face book pages.

Also an article that appeared in Dan’s papers.

While indeed the situation is dire as we never expected the building to be sold out from under us, as we have been there since 2005, the fact remains that we have very little remaining funding available to us to set up shop elsewhere and maintain the library long term without a cash infusion.  I am of course looking for an “angel endowment” that would allow PF to carry on its maintenance but knowing that no one has over the years seen fit to support PF substantively apart from its co-founder, Frances P. Bolton, it seems foolish to spend the remaining monies on hand to move it and only forestall the same result down the road in being forced to search for a stable home which would  keep the collection together for future students and researchers.  Hence facing facts while wandering around with an outstretched tin cup, I am prudently looking at possible organizations and academic centers that could maintain and grow this valuable resource.  I would ask you all to put on your “thinking caps” and get to me with any ideas at  If no such angel “flies by” we are offering it for free though it does not come with an endowment, to some responsible entity that we feel certain will continue its maintenance and growth. The thought of a sale  is of course appealing which would provide monies to continue our other PF programs as the foundation is not solely defined by its library but we would have to be assured of its future maintenance.  

Article in Suffolk Times

The library is relevant to varied fields of study such as History, Psychology, Anthropology, Philosophy, The Sciences, Religion, Physics and more while maintaining strong sections on the history of psychical research and parapsychology—including early spiritualism, mysticism, with also  philosophical and consciousness works.  The “crown jewel” of the Foundation and one of the world’s largest special collections devoted to parapsychology, it is often recognized as the largest research library of its kind in North and South America open continually to the public.  Not only are the shelves filled with quality non sensationalist volumes, rare books, international periodicals, reference and an audio visual collection there are materials available to provide grounding for a jump to a possible paranormal hypothesis.  By no means crafted to convince patrons of the veracity of the phenomena the Garrett provides with scientific methodology and clear thinking the possibility to examine the complexity of the phenomena which have raised questions down through time and cross culturally as to human capabilities. 

Continuation of Suffolk Times article

Named for our founder, the library’s namesake, Eileen J. Garrett, myself working to date 52 years at the Foundation I am honor bound to have the library preserved and utilized maximally.  Here is a link to a guided tour of the facility we recorded years ago.Back on June 5, 2000 the New York Times recognized The Eileen J. Garrett Library of the Parapsychology Foundation…is stocked with more than 10,000 volumes  on matters ranging from ghosts and poltergeists, psychic spies and healing research to spiritualism.  It is a place where just about any assumption might be contemplated and where psychic phenomena are accorded the respect  they have yet to receive in the material world…”

In the spirit of thanksgiving I want to thank those who have seen fit to donate during this difficult time and also thank those who may well decide to in future do so. I find it ironic that over 70 years, as of December 2021,  Parapsychology Foundation has been the one to support other organizations, their libraries and programs and now we are in need.  Remember we are fully tax deductible and there is a paypal donation button on our main website.  Let me add that I am also thankful for the many expressions of support I have received with brainstorming ideas.   As Garrett’s granddaughter and the daughter of Eileen Coly, our past Presidents and strong leaders, I can assure you I am not about to give up the ghost!  

I wish my fellow Americans a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday and hopefully  to all around our world –thanks for giving.

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