Lisette Coly, President of the Parapsychology Foundation

For those of us who knew personally and truly  loved CARLOS S. ALVARADO and those who respected and admired his scholarly work along with the multitude of students around the world  he touched, you may well remember as confirmed by his widow, Dr. Nancy L. Zingrone,  that he often said “…and the ride continues”.   In point of fact I urge you to view an interview filmed for PF’s 65th anniversary in which he concludes a charming  interview with that same phrase which is perhaps my favorite of him recorded and  available within the PF You tube channel.

What is evident is his easy going manner and huge smile which depicts his personality, the man himself, apart from all his copious scholarly achievements that will be enumerated elsewhere in parapsychology’s rush to eulogize him  and his career.

During his tenure on staff at PF, in New York,  as our Chairman of Domestic and International Programs he was an integral part of the reinvigoration and reintroduction of the organization during our 50th Anniversary in 2001  continuing to contribute up through our 65th anniversary and to this our 70th Anniversary.  Carlos was ever available to me for good counsel and for the answers to thorny questions and situations that the Foundation might face.  As Editor of our scholarly monograph series, as well as Associate Editor of our returning International Journal of Parapsychology, heading our Outreach Program, helping formulate and manage the PF International Affiliate Program he was always available for consultation and planning of new directives such as our Lyceum teaching program and our Perspectives Lecture series. So many other hats did he wear that added to PF’s overall  output is too long  a list to enumerate here, though I must add for certain his manning along with Nancy of the Utrecht II Conference Bureau that did so much to insure a magnificent conference in 2008, Utrecht II: Charting the Future of Parapsychology.

When I think of Carlos, I think of kindness and an unfailing warmth and smile. I have seen him patiently interact with students and researchers in the Garrett library. Answering questions and making the material accessible to all who asked was a gift to all who were fortunate to interact with him. He created over 30 finding aids of thematic bibliographies to aid patrons. So much was he a part of the library we laughingly refer to it as Carlos’ library.

Apart from our professional affiliation, let me speak from my now broken heart as to our personal relationship.  Words can not adequately express how much he meant to me and my family.  My mother, Eileen Coly, was ever so proud that she had the forethought to overlook his career from a very young age.  As she took great stock in sartorial elegance she was always so pleased that in suit and tie he was a distinguished  representative for the organization.  She eagerly urged his writing in our Parapsychology Review, the first article of which appeared in the March-April 1987 issue entitled “Notes on Phantasms of the Living while a Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Parapsychology”. Other articles appeared along with one of his first formal conference presentations at PF’s 1984 international Conference in New Orleans “Current Trends in Psi Research”  at which Carlos admitted to being very nervous at delivering at such an august event which for sure he soon got over with so many future presentations at so many other prestigious programs.

When on staff from the summer of 2000 through February 2003 he was much loved by my growing children as we lived above the Library.  Never forgotten is that Carlos saved the day for my son when his Dad was at work and I was unable to tie his formal tie and Carlos man to man set him on his way to his first formal social engagement.  On that awful day of  911, now  twenty years ago, we all  huddled in horror in  front of my television  along with his visiting  brother Alberto until which time my Mom an experienced  survivor of the London blitz sent me off with the Alvarado men to stock up on batteries, water and food as we did not know what to expect on that dark day.  I have been privileged to meet Carlos’ parents and other family members  and have had the great fortune  to share with Carlos  and Nancy a trip to his favorite  “EL Hamburger” the best burger in Puerto Rico which still has us talking when PF ran a Forum in Spanish in Puerto Rico. As for my late husband, George Damalas, who was generally aloof, not so with “Carlito” as George called him.  A love of donuts cemented their bond as well as “Carlito” gifting him with a stuffed piranha fish from Brazil which to this day greets me every morning on George’s dresser  which now brings them both to mind–not that they could  ever be  forgotten.  I am so blessed to have had him in my life as we all are.

Herewith is a list of links to the videos available in PF’s you tube channel which will illustrate the enormity of our loss.  Also some pictures formal and not, to enjoy.

Drs. Wellington Zangari and Fatima Machado

65th Anniversary Interview with Carlos Nancy and Lisette

Face to Face with Carlos S. Alvarado

Is the Merchant House Haunted?

Brief History of Mediumship at Mediumship Conference

Intro to Parapsychology part 1

Intro to parapsychology part 2

Ghosts and hauntings part 1

Ghosts and Hauntings part 2

Introducción a la Parapsicología

Out of Body and Near-Death Experiences

The reality of GHOST BUSTING! Part 1

So you want to be a parapsychologist? Part 1

So you want to be a parapsychologist? Part 2

What is Parapsychology?

PF Lyceum Academy 2016- Physical Mediumship: Brief Historical View

Parapsychology and Psychology; an introduction Paramooc 2020

Survival of death and development of parapsychology Paramooc 2019

Recent Work on the History of Parapsychology Paramooc 2016

Introduction to Scientific Study of Psychic Phenomena Paramooc 2016

As Carlos would state   “ the ride continues” so it does  at PF.   Let me share  with you some news notes that I feel sure he would approve of In his honor:

I am proud to announce our newest PF Research Fellow, DR. GREGORY SHUSHAN.  Following receipt of  the 2021 Rogo Award for Parapsychological Literature we are so happy that we can better follow his career researching NDE’s and afterlife beliefs across cultures.

PF Research Fellow, DR. JAMES MATLOCK has  been awarded a modest PF grant to study two new cases of past-life memory.  One concerns a dream memory of the 1934 Los Angeles New Year’s Flood and the other a rare international case with an identified previous person—a youth who  died in a tornado in Alabama was reborn in England.  A special feature of this case is that it was solved after the boy’s mother posted about it in Jim’s Facebook group!

Grants are now available for Parapsychological Research from the John Borkhem Memorial Foundation (JBM) The application deadline is November 7, 2021.  The total amount of 10,000 EUR is available to be distributed to large or small research projects. Applications in English are to be sent to the Foundation’s secretary, Edgar Muller by email to as well as to

If you didn’t catch the Rhine’s  zoom presentation with Sally Rhine Feather and yours truly speaking about JB Rhine and Eileen Garrett’s unique partnerhip the recording is available at

Let me close now with gratitude and love for a great scholar and friend.  RIP Carlos.


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