Frances P. Bolton Fellowship

The annual Frances P. Bolton Fellowship in the amount of $2000 will be awarded to a person who obtained their Ph.D. on the basis of a dissertation/thesis which dealt with some aspect of parapsychological phenomena and whose intent is to use the Bolton Fellowship to further write up and polish the data amassed during the preparation of their doctoral work. The Ph.D. does not necessarily have to be solely within parapsychology but must demonstrate that parapsychology is a large component of the work. Applications will be taken until November 1st, 2017 with the Fellowship awarded January 1st, 2018. A copy of the dissertation must be submitted along with three references and a description of how the Fellowship will be utilized.
The last Bolton Fellowship was awarded in 2018, to Dr. Stephani Stephans.
Click on “About the Bolton Fellowship” button above for more information on the new Bolton Fellow and her work.