Supporting the scientific study of psychic phenomena

International Journal of Parapsychology

Published from 1959 to 1968, the International Journal of Parapsychology (IJP) quickly became known as one of the most distinguished journals in the field. In commemoration of the Parapsychology Foundation’s 50th Anniversary and because of popular demand, the journal resumed publication in 2000. Volumes 11 (2000) and 12 (2001) were published in two issues of over 200 pages each. Unfortunately due to financial constraints and other events, the new iteration of the journal closed after Volume 12.

The IJP encouraged new avenues of thought and research that result from a truly global and interdisciplinary perspective. Noted scholars explore psychic phenomena, applying the rigorous methodologies of science and other disciplines. Field investigators present spontaneous case studies of paranormal events using current theories and the newest technologies in the field. Classic papers from the past are revisited with commentary emphasizing their importance to modern-day parapsychology. Abstracts of articles and case reports are presented in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish. Other sections of interest include book, film, CD-Rom, and website reviews and a special section of news and information.

Although the IJP has suspended publication due to financial constraints, the materials included in all 12 volumes are available to purchase in various ways.

For more information on the IJP and on the Classic IJP CD-Rom, a compilation of the entire contents of the first 10 volumes in handy CD format, read on …