Since the late 1990s, the Parapsychology Foundation has hosted the Perspectives Lectures Series in which internationally-known authors, scholars, and scientists have presented talks on a wide variety of parapsychological topics, discussing issues in the field with their audiences for an hour and a half, or more, on selected weekday evenings. Many of these early lectures were filmed, and back in the day, were available for sale on the PF websites as videos. Since the Parapsychology Foundation YouTube Channel launched in 2015, the Foundation has been reclaiming, editing and uploading these videos so that the messages of this valuable series is not lost. In the playlist, Classic Perspectives Lectures, a number of these videos have already been uploaded, including Dr. Charles T. Tart’s 2001 presentation, Taking Spirit Seriously, Dr. Stephen E. Braude’s presentation from the 1999, Fear of Psi, and Dueling Psychics: Edgar Cayce and Eileen J. Garrett by Sidney Kirkpatrick, also presented in 2001. The Foundation will continue to edit and upload these videos until all the legacy Perspectives Lectures are available.
The Foundation has continued to host Perspectives Lectures on- and off-site, the latest one described on the Current Perspectives page under this section of the website. The list of the previously done Perspectives can be found under Past Perspectives.