D. Scott Rogo Award For Parapsychological Media 

The Rogo award in the amount of $500 has been recast to include not only literature but also other media such as documentary film, television programming, podcasts and vlogs etc. The award will be granted as warranted so applications are accepted year round. A synopsis or treatment to be submitted along with representative media samples as well as the applicant’s CV and any relevant materials and references. Upon completion, a copy of the book or film or other media will be donated to the Eileen J. Garrett Library.

The Rogo Award was established in honor of the generosity of the late D. Scott Rogo, parapsychologist and prolific writer.


Greg Mallozzi a filmmaker from Rhode Island now living in Los Angeles, California working on a documentary, is the 2018 Rogo Award Winner. For a brief biography and more information on Greg Mallozzi’s work-in-progress click on the “About the Rogo Award” button above.