The Parapsychology Foundation operates from private office in New York City.
Be sure to check the Parapsychology Foundation YouTube Channel for a tour of the Eileen J. Garrett Library’s new home by clicking here.
The administrative staff members of the Parapsychology Foundation are Founder Eileen J. Garrett’s granddaughter, President Lisette Coly and her great-granddaughter, Anastasia Damalas, the Executive director. Also involved in the work of the Foundation are the Research Fellows, Dr. Nancy L. Zingrone, Dr. James G. Matlock and Dr. Kathy Dalton, Research Associate Gonçalo Veiga, Film Archivist Susan MacWilliam and Outreach Coordinator Natasha Chisdes.
Serving as Vice President of the Parapsychology Foundation since 1978, Lisette Coly since 2012 serves as President of the Parapsychology Foundation. Granddaughter of the Foundation’s founder, Eileen J. Garrett and daughter of the organization’s past President, the late Eileen Coly, Lisette Coly brings to the task since 1969 nearly fifty years of experience working in many capacities within the organization.
Ms. Coly has acted as International Conference Coordinator as well as used her editorial skills in many of PF’s publications including the International Conference Proceedings series and the Parapsychology Review which was published from 1970 to 1990. Instrumental in the re-dedication of the Foundation during its 50th Anniversary, as Editor-in-Chief she brought back into publication the highly regarded International Journal of Parapsychology as well as the Foundation’s revered publishing imprint, Helix Press. Under her administration, the Parapsychology Foundation Lyceum, the PF International Affiliate Program, the Psychic Explorers Club, and the Student Affiliate Program were initiated as well as several of the grant programs. In addition to planning and presiding over the much-heralded conference, “Utrecht II: Charting the Future of Parapsychology,” which was co-hosted by the Johann Borgman Foundation in 2008 (For more information on the conference click here.), more recently she has expanded the Parapsychology Foundation’s online presence through its YouTube channel, and social media presence as well as through it’s online events. Since the 65th anniversary of the PF’s founding in 1951, Ms. Coly has been spearheading the rejuvenation of the Eileen J. Garrett Library, the redesign of the Parapsychology Foundation’s websites and contributing to the PF blog series.
While pursuing her BA from New York’s Hunter College as well as completing various business courses, Ms. Coly held various positions at the Parapsychology Foundation. She was privileged to work closely with Eileen J. Garrett, during Garrett’s final years at the Foundation, as well as with Eileen Coly, sharing their vision for the work of the Foundation. Upon graduation from college, she continued to serve her stewardship within the organization, and now as President has the opportunity to interact with the worlds of science, publishing, and the international scene as she guides and administers the continued work of the Foundation.
Ms. Coly was presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who’s Who, as a leader in the Non-Profit industry. To read more about this award and Lisette Coly’s career click here!.
Ms. Coly is listed in both Who’s Who in American Women and Who’s Who in the World.

Graduating cum laude with a degree in sociology from Stonybrook University, drawn to the possibility of eventually pursuing an advanced degree in counseling, she has been intrigued by the contents of many of the Foundation’s International Conference Proceedings, most especially Psi and Clinical Practice and Utrecht II: The Future of Parapsychology. In addition to managing the administrative side of the foundation She has contributed to the revitalization and re-dedication of the Foundation’s programs. More recently Ms. Damalas’ has managed a great deal of the Parapsychology Foundation’s marketing on its expanding social media presence. And has engaged in the preservation and digitization of the Foundation’s legacy film, audio and publications, and more recently has taken on editing and uploading legacy film to the Parapsychology Foundation’s YouTube channel as well as filming new content.
Research Fellows
The Late Dr. Carlos A. Alvarado (1955-2021) obtained his undergraduate degree in psychology from the University of Puerto Rico, a master’s in parapsychology from John F. Kennedy University, a master’s in history from Duke University and a PhD in psychology from the University of Edinburgh. He was a two-time past President of the Parapsychological Association and received its Outstanding Contribution Award in 2010 and its Outstanding Career Award in 2017. From July 2000 until December 2008, Dr. Alvarado served as the Chairman of Domestic and International Programs for the Parapsychology Foundation, the General Series Editor of the Foundation’s Scholarly Monograph Series and the Associate Editor of the International Journal of Parapsychology. Starting in January of 2015, he was a Research Fellow of the Foundation and a consultant. Dr. Alvarado was a Director of Alvarado, Zingrone & Associates, the co-founder, and developer of both the Alvarado Zingrone Institute for Research and Education, a member organization of the PF. He structured the Parapsychology Foundation online conferences and Lyceum forums, recruited faculty for the annual Parapsychology: Research and Education free online course (and later the “ParaMOOC” series still ongoing), as well as provided support for the Eileen J. Garrett library through preparing title acquisition lists and serving as a consultant. As Carlos is no longer with us he will remain always in a place of honor affiliated with PF as he did so much to assist the organization and our constituents.
Dr. Nancy L. Zingrone obtained her undergraduate degree in psychology from Mundelein College, an MSEd from Northern Illinois University, doctoral candicacy in history from Duke University, and her PhD in psychology from the University of Edinburgh. She is also a two-time past President of the Parapsychological Association and received its Outstanding Contribution Award in 2015. From July 2000 through December 2008, Nancy L. Zingrone was the Director of Publications and Executive Editor of the International Journal of Parapsychology for the Parapsychology Foundation. From 2009 through 2010 she served as a PF volunteer, and since 2015 as a PF Research Fellow and consultant. Through the PF Member Organization, The Alvarado Zingrone Institute for Research and Education, she also provides organizes, moderates and provides additional support to the Foundation’s online conferences, forums, and courses through the social media teaching site, WizIQ, maintains The AZIRE Library and Learning Center in the virtual world Second Life, which features the work of the Foundation as well as others working in the scientific study of psychic phenomena. In additional she edits and uploading video of the PF’s educational ventures, and provides support in the redesign and rewriting of the websites.
In January of 2015, Dr. Kathy S. Dalton joined the Parapsychology Foundation as a Research Fellow. Dr. Dalton has a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Edinburgh, focusing on creativity and psi research as it relates to the ganzfeld. She has been actively studying anomalous, paranormal and transpersonal experiences for more than 25 years. While her parapsychology research has focused primarily on ganzfeld research with creative populations, she has also conducted research in the areas of dream GESP, healing and intentionality, psychokinesis, the effects of the geomagnetic field on psi, and the role of gender, biological relationships and psychological characteristics in successful psi participants. She was also faculty for the Parapsychology: Research and Education online course in 2014.
Dr. James G. Matlock joined the PF in March of 2015 as a Research Fellow. Dr. Matlock has an M.LS. with a specialist in Archive Studies from the University of Maryland at College Park and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Anthropology from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale. He is the author of Signs of Reincarnation: Exploring Beliefs, Cases, and Theory (2019), which was honored with a book award from the professional Parapsychological Association. He is the second author, with the late PF International Affiliate for Iceland Professor Erlendur Haraldsson, of I Saw a Light and Came Here, a book on children’s memories of previous lives published in 2017. Dr. Matlock’s primary interests include the history of parapsychology, the anthropology of extraordinary experience, and survival-related issues, especially reincarnation. He teaches a graduate-level adult education course, Signs of Reincarnation, on The AZIRE Moodle course site. For more about Dr. Matlock’s publications and activities, see his personal website, here.
Research Associate
In 2016, Gonçalo Veiga joined the Parapsychology Foundation staff as a Research Assistant. In addition to working with Dr. Carlos S. Alvarado on developing research projects, Mr. Veiga is working as support staff for the Parapsychology Foundation’s massively open online course, Parapsychology Research and Education, starting in 2016 and going forward. He is also involved in editing the recordings of PF’s online events for upload to the Parapsychology Foundation YouTube channel as well as creating new content.
Film Archivist
Appointed in the Fall of 2007, Irish artist and filmmaker Susan MacWilliam is the Parapsychology Foundation’s Film Archivist. The first Visiting Scholar/Artist in Residence at the Eileen J. Garrett Library in the summer of 2007, for over ten years MacWilliam has been developing a body of works that explore ideas about the paranormal, the supernatural and perceptual phenomena. In the summer of 2011, Susan conducted a research/exhibition tour of the Southeastern U.S., through a residency at the Rhine Research Center in Durham, North Carolina. Among her recent accomplishments are the films Eileen (2008) about the Parapsychology Foundation’s founder, Eileen J. Garrett, and The Only Way to Travel (2008) about the White Star Line and other famous transatlantic passenger liners of the early 20th century, as well as her well-received book, Remote Viewing (2009). Her current and past work are featured on her website.
Outreach Coordinator
Natasha Chisdes obtained her BA in anthropology from the University of Virginia in 1993. She has been volunteering in a variety of capacities for the Foundation since the PF Conference on Mediumship in Charlottesville in 2005. Her conference management skills were put to good use at that successful conference, and she began to take on more tasks, working with Alvarado and Zingrone on the page production and editing of Parapsychology Foundation titles, as well as taking over the cataloging of new books for the Eileen J. Garrett Research Library both on-site and from a distance. She continues to make herself available to the Parapsychology Foundation, most recently running the book table at the Forever Family Foundation in November of 2014. She is a core associate with Alvarado, Zingrone & Associates, the Marketing Director for and a Research Assistant to Bryan J. Williams of the Psychical Research Foundation in Albuquerque, New Mexico.