We Made it to 70!

Lisette Coly, President of the Parapsychology Foundation

Today is literally the PF’s 70th anniversary of its founding in 1951!  The fact that we actually made it through a very challenging year makes the event all the more sweet.  The PF as envisioned by Eileen J. Garrett, my grandmother, would provide a worldwide forum for the support of scientific exploration of psychic phenomena.  Scientists and scholars from many disciplines could now bring to the laboratory, the classroom, and the public at large new concepts of psychic functioning in life.  It all started as she recalled in her autobiography, Many Voices, “On the periphery of sleep I heard a voice telling me that I must get well and build an ‘edifice’ that would honor the subject to which I had devoted my life.  I awoke with a feeling of deep conviction that I must begin to build a new structure containing the best elements of my own work.”   She conceived of this vision “as falling into three distinct areas.  First, I envisaged the necessity of finding resources that could provide grants to those who sought after a wider horizon in reading.  Second, this would involve a library and public relations setup to answer the demands for literature and eventual study  for those who might be ready to bring scholars together from different countries for discussion, as well as the need to keep contacts alive if eventual advancement of the theoretical discussion were to result in action.”   

Founders Eileen J. Garrett and Frances P. Bolton

Our co-founder, The Honorable Frances P. Bolton, generously supplied the funds to allow for Garrett’s vision and actively participated in guiding the PF’s progress in this joint endeavor. Through their early efforts continued by the late Eileen Coly, Garrett’s daughter and my mother, PF’s second President,  we have literally funded hundreds of research projects, individuals and organizations the world over in the past 70 years. Eileen Coly ably administered the works of the foundation for more than 30 of our 70 years. I started working under these extraordinary women in 1969 working slowly up the ladder until becoming President in 2012. Although not envisioned as a “family affair” it seemed destined to become one as no one else was intimately involved with its maintenance and dedicated to its legacy.   Through the years we have been fortunate to be aided by many some who have left an indelible stamp on the organization who shared the mission of the PF:  Martin Ebon, Allan Angoff, Robert Coly, Carlos S. Alvarado, Nancy L. Zingrone to name a few.  Not to be forgotten are numerous trustees who work unfailingly to help guide PF’s administration choosing to remain in the background but who share our commitment and are deserving of gratitude. There is a 4th generation that has been enlisted to support the PF, my son, George R. Damalas, a Trustee, and daughter Anastasia Damalas who has been serving her apprenticeship in much the same way as my mother and I have done. We are proud of a growing list of PF Research Fellows:  the late and so missed Carlos S. Alvarado, Nancy L. Zingrone, Kathy Dalton, Jim Matlock, Jack Hunter, and Gregory Shushan. Considering a host of Grant and Scholarship award winners, added to the many who participated in our 41 International Conferences as well as Perspective Lecture presenters and PF International Affiliates never forgetting authors contributing to our myriad  publications  you can easily appreciate the incredible  number of those with whom we have  interacted and supported spanning our 70 years.

I know recently I have written about the precarious future of our Garrett Research Library.  We continue to look for solutions to have it safeguarded whether it remains under PF’s umbrella or some other academic institution.  We continue to acquire books as evident by our most recent  annual Book Expo. As the  PF is more than just it’s library, we intend to continue our other grant and scholarship programs as best we can with your fully tax deductible donations.   We continue to “stir parapsychology’s pot” as Garrett used to say as evidenced by our proud standing as publisher of the new Journal of Anomalous Experience and Cognition (JAEX) under Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Etzel Cardena. Our growing Youtube channel incorporating over 150 videos underscores just how many there are in our PF family of colleagues.

Colm A. Kelleher, Walter Meyer zu Erpen and Robert T. Bigelow

In this time of financial adversity for the organization one really learns quickly who are true friends.  You will hear more of this in my next month blog but I am presently overwhelmed with gratitude for Walter Meyer zu Erpen who has been a long time friend to PF, who serves as our International Affiliate representing Canada, as well as grantee and Perspectives lecturer who as an archivist has provided over many years insight and invaluable advice for the library’s maintenance.  Incredibly as he has just been awarded an honorable mention cash award for his essay on survival sponsored by the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies he has had his award redirected for the benefit of the PF!!! Certainly we are by far not out of the woods yet but his generosity is unmatched. Once I picked my jaw up off the floor Walter, explained “Over three generations, the Parapsychology Foundation has supported the research of hundreds of academics and students.  My own studies have benefitted from PF’s financial support and through access to resources in the Eileen J. Garrett Library. I am pleased to support PF in these challenging times and invite each reader of this year-end appeal to donate what you can afford.   Because PF is an American 501 c 3 nonprofit organization, donations from American taxpayers are fully tax deductible.  Together, let’s help PF with a substantial gift for its 70th Birthday!”

Eileen Coly. Lisette Coly and Eileen J. Garrett

Wow, those who know me well, know I am rarely speechless but on this occasion words escape me.  Walter has said it all.  Please donate via Pay pal  or send checks payable to Parapsychology Foundation PO Box 1562, New York, New York 10021.  What a birthday surprise!  And of course no amount is too small as if everyone we touched over these 70 years could contribute something we could come roaring back to once again take up Garrett’s vision and continue to support education and research.  Together we will continue to strive for a greater understanding of psychic functioning.

On behalf of Parapsychology Foundation we wish you all a happy and healthy, productive holiday and New Year!  And  as For Santa Claus…you know what we are wishing for.

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